Purpose of Covenant House
Covenant House's mission is to provide food, shelter, education and counseling to runaway, homeless and abandoned children. Covenant House provides the much needed security and care for these children coming from different backgrounds.
They provide care through experienced and professional people who provide the necessary counseling and support to get over their trauma. These children are provided with good education facilities to begin a new life. This can equip them to gain self confidence to face their future.
The vision and mission of Covenant House is based on five principles. These are immediacy, sanctuary, value communication, structure and choice. As soon as a homeless child comes to the Covenant House, they are given immediate attention by providing food, cloth, medical attention and a safe place to live. Then the Covenant House gives them security and care so that they can develop that trust and regain confidence.
Covenant House teaches and educates the children thereby builds respect, trust and honesty in them. They provide continuous food and shelter till they are able to live life on their own. Covenant House also encourages children to make choices for their own lives and help them achieve it.
Covenant House has a number of programs to reach homeless children and provides them with the much needed shelter. Street and Van Outreach program searches for homeless children in 19 cities and brings them to their shelter. Children are given free medical care and counseling. They are open 24/7 and welcome children throughout the year. A program by name "Rights to Passage" was created by Covenant House in 1986.
This program helps kids to stand on their own feat. In this program, the residents have to find a job and pay for their own expenses. They also have to pay a weekly rent which will be returned once they finish the program. They are also required to complete their studies during this period which will give them the confidence to face the situations outside Covenant House.
NOTE: Information on this site is not guaranteed to be accurate. Some content is compiled from 3rd party sources. If you are aware of incorrect or outdated information, feel free to contact us.